Safeguarding the rights of Somali Fishers

We are a gender equal organization for Fishers in Somali

A member driven organization that represents the collective voice of Fishers in Somali

Focused on delivering value for our Members.

We are united by the common goal of improving the working conditions, livelihoods, and social well-being of our members. Our union operates on principles of transparency, inclusivity, and democratic decision-making, ensuring that the interests of all fishers are taken into account.

Our main Objectives are:

Protecting Workers' Rights

We advocate for the enforcement of labor laws and international standards to safeguard the well-being of our members.

Capacity Building and Training

Our union provides capacity building programs, training workshops, and educational resources to enhance the professional and technical capabilities of our members.

Advocacy and Representation

We serve as a strong advocate for fishers, representing their interests at various levels in the fishery sector.

Safety at Sea

The safety of our members is of utmost importance. We work towards improving safety measures at sea, promoting the use of proper equipment, and providing training on emergency response


Waxaa ka wada shaqeynaya Wasaaradda Kalluumaysig, Gobolka Banaadir iyo Sofwu

Kormeer howled uu ku tegay Xeebta liido marsada weyn oo...

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Somali Fisheries Workers Union (SOFWU) to hold two days of awareness campaigns.

Somali Fisheries Workers Union (SOFWU) to hold two days of...

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Somali Fisheries Workers Union( SOFWU) Celebrate World Oceans Day 2023.

Somali Fisheries Workers Union in Kismayo and Mogadishu celebrated World...

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We are always on the for front to advocate for Fishers' rights in Somalia